Why Living a Simple Life Is So Much Better
It is a fact that life is short and unpredictable at the same time. No one knows the perfect recipe for a perfect life, however, wouldn’t it be great to actually just live a simple and a peaceful life? It will be a little too difficult, however, especially in this generation of digital revolution where the latest gadgets are what matters most and fame and fortune define a happy life. It is a bit ironic though, people often complain about their lives, even if they are actually the ones in control of their own journey.
People would complain about not having enough money, or not wanting their current job, and how their lives are such a complete mess, yet they’re not doing anything about it, or more like they’re aiming for such a lavish life, which is perfectly understandable, but then again, life is meant to be lived. Every single moment must count, and living simply will help you see things in a different perspective, it will help you realize that you can never take your materials things to the grave, you must live your life without envying other people. It is all about simplicity, and you’ll realize you can actually live a happy and peaceful life. Here are a couple of tricks that you must definitely try, and it is guaranteed that it will all be worth it.
[su_quote cite=”Anonymous ” class=”cust-pagination”]“The older I gets the more I realize I just need the simple things in life. A comfy home, good food on the table, and to be surrounded by the people I love[.”/su_quote]
Life is all about time, it is a fact that time is infinite, but lives are not. There was a time when dinosaurs are the ones who get to live the earth, and they became extinct. Time will come that it will be the human race’s turn to be extinct, so it is best to not wait for it to happen, even if no one exactly knows when it will happen. Life is all about valuing time, so what you can try is this: Set an alarm and wake up early, it is true that it is best to wake up early since you can always have endless of sleep when you’re dead.
Start your day right by doing the usual things you do every single morning, however, this time, try taking every moment in. If you’re in the middle of drinking your coffee, try taking a moment and clear your head and simply feel its warmth as it goes through your throat and smells its amazing aroma, you’ll definitely feel better and light afterward.
It teaches you living every single minute of your life. On your way to work or school, look around you. If there are trees where you live then breathe in the fresh air as you pass by, or if you live in a city, try observing the people around you, as well as the nice buildings. By doing these things, your mind will feel relaxed and will actually make you feel grateful that you get to value every single minute of your life.
[su_quote cite=”V. Hema Chander ” class=”cust-pagination”]“To live a simple life, you have to choose from what comes to you by itself and choose not from what you will never get.”[/su_quote]
Since you now know that you must value your time, it is now time to actually identify the things that actually matters. It can be you family, friends, pets and other things that you simply can’t live without and are also irreplaceable. Unfortunately, some people tend to value material things such as cars, luxury bags and clothing, houses, etc over things that actually matter.
Once you have identified them, it is best to spend most of your time with them, and cherish each moment, because the time you give to them is something that you can never take back, and this is one of the perks of having a simple life, otherwise you’re too busy making money and spending time with people who are living the same kind of life as you.
Having a simple and peaceful life mean that you also get have such a meaningful life. Not a lot of people get to have a chance to live like this, simply because they don’t let it themselves choose to live like that. This is your life, you get to drive it, you are the one in control, you get to make your own choices.
They may be times that we make the wrong ones, but it is how we get back from it that actually matters. If you are complaining about not being happy with you life, not having the kind of life that you want, then why not do something about it. Living simply will help you see things in a wider and better perspective. If you choose to have a simple life, then you’ll see things in such a positive way, instead of always complaining about what they don’t have.
A simple life will always be better than a lavish life without love and contentment because those people are using their fortune just to be happy for a short while.
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